Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Mobile Holiday Cheer From John Szeder

'Twas the night before Christmas and Android was shipping
People's interest in iPhone rejections were slipping

AdMob was bought and Marvel was too
and the execs have finally gotten off of the GLUU

Deck managers everywhere were feeling rejected
And to social games many developers defected

Can you make more from each user? That really depends
If you can convince them to invite 20 new friends

Then post some achievements into their feed
And send gifts to their pals 'til their eyeballs all bleed

But you can play it for free, it doesn't cost money
Unless you don't want your avatar to look funny

We take PayPal and Amex and retail cards at the store
Unlock some premium levels and pay us some more

So I have this to say, in my Free Holiday Poem: Lite
Send me a nickel today, and I'll wish you Merry Christmas tonight!

~John Szeder

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