Tuesday, November 10, 2009

OMG! How Did I Miss The Film About Riot-E?

Check out the opening credits for Riot On!, a 2004 documentary Directed by Kim Finn and Written by John Hakalax. The film is about mobile entertainment's first colossal flame-out, Riot-E (or Riot Entertainment). The rapid rise and fall of that company basically ended the industry's first hype-cycle, early in the decade. Let me know if you've seen the film, and if so, what you thought. More importantly, let me know if you have a copy I can borrow... this DVD ain't easy to find. btw - thanks to the anonymous commenter who brought this to my attention.


  1. It's definitely on torrents - that's how I watched it. Several of the interviewees are still around in the content business, and always fun to ask them if they are in the suana movie!

  2. I remember when I was joining the then-Digital Bridges Ltd that Riot-E had just flamed out, and it seemed supernatural that a well-financed start-up with all the right Hollywood connections and licenses could fail so spectacularly. Maybe "Gladiator" did not translate well into SMS gaming? Although it didn't stop us from selling an SMS gaming exclusive for FIFA to Orange. Ah, the memories....

  3. Best movie about the industry. I bought it. You can also contact the studio directly with some luck you will get a DVD Version - be friendly! ;-)

    I watch the movie every year ones to realize that Nokia didnt learn anything over more than decade. N-Gage 1,2,3,4, Club Nokia or OVI is just a small part of their failing in mobile entertainment. As you can see in the movie they were already out of their mind in 2000.

    Also funny is that still guys are working in the industry and yes the Sauna Movie was around some time not on youtube but on some other "hardcore" sites everyone knows.

    VCs still think so thats crazy as well. the explanation in the movie how to cheat VCs is damn funny. Its a clear have to for all in the industry. It should be shown in an evening event on the next big mobile day. GDC, MGF, GC what ever... just cause of the good old days.

    And if you think this isnt still happening than you are damn wrong!
